Dayton-Appointed Judge Rules Walz may Continue Dictatorship in Perpetuity

| Free Minnesota Coalition will Appeal | Ramsey County District Court Judge Thomas Gilligan, a Dayton-Appointee today ruled that Governor Walz may continue to usurp the legislative process in perpetuity. Free Minnesota, a coalition of citizens and small businesses filed a petition for Quo Warranto lawsuit in May, alleging that the governor was beyond the executive authority granted him by

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Press Release: Minnesota Small Business Owners Sue to Reopen

| Governor’s Categories to Shutter Businesses are Unconstitutional, Lawsuit says | Minneapolis – A group of small businesses on Wednesday announced that they are suing the state of Minnesota, claiming Governor Walz’s categories of “Critical Sector” and “essential” “Non-Critical Exempt Businesses” are unconstitutional under the U.S Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. [ Read the petition, here ] The petitioning businesses are

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