My Interview on CT Politics TV – Voter Fraud in Connecticut and Around the Nation
| CT Politics TV interviewed me about voter fraud in Connecticut and around the nation |
Dr. Amy Chai, a regular contributor to CT Politics TV reported on a slew of voter fraud charges in Bridgeport Connecticut involving ballot harvesting and interviewed me more broadly about how voter fraud affects elections in the United States and my new book, The Voter Fraud Manual.
The seven-term incumbent mayor of Bridgeport seemed to have won the 2023 Democrat primary, but his challenger had produced video evidence alleged to show foul play. Meanwhile, the mayor’s campaign team also faces criminal charges of mail-in ballot fraud and coercion from the 2019 election.
I discuss other instances of voter fraud and what can be done about it in this interesting and info-packed interview.
Read more about it and see the video at ElectionIntegrityWatch.org!
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