Narcissistic Abuse Affects Men, Too!

In the world of what’s written on narcissistic personality disorder and the victims of people possessed of it, there appears to be an imbalance of genders. Most writing on the subject chronicles male narcissists tormenting female empaths – at least when dealing with romantic relationships. Narcissistic abuse affects men, too! It’s my studied opinion that the apparent gender bias is

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Narcissistic Triangulation

Narcissistic Triangulation Explained

| What is Narcissistic Triangulation? | This is something I get asked about a lot. Maybe I should create a FAQ page. For now, I’ve tried to answer this question for the blog. Narcissistic abuse takes many forms. Some of the more common devious tricks of a narcissistic abuser are gaslighting, humiliating and belittling and triangulation. This article will

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