Brune Devon - Art inspired by the supernatural fantasy thriller, The Storm Tower.

Brune DeVon in the Supernatural Fantasy Thriller, The Storm Tower

Art inspired by the supernatural fantasy thriller, The Storm Tower! Brune DeVon, one of the mysterious brothers who comes by circumstance to the Painted Tower in the storm. Here, he’s seen working in Vardan Talanth’s alchemical laboratory high up in the tower. This is the second in a series of images I’m experimenting with to provide a better glimpse at

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The Storm Tower

New Book, The Storm Tower now Available

My latest book just released on Amazon! Paperback edition now available from Barnes & Noble, too! The Storm Tower is a bit different than what many will be used to seeing from me, but it gets back to my roots in science fiction and fantasy. Uneasy alliances are tested when magi of factious clans are forced to shelter together in

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