Memorial Day
For many Americans, Memorial Day weekend marks the beginning of summer and it’s celebrated with back yard barbeques, fishing trips and beer and it still is, despite numerous challenges this year. Most importantly, though, Memorial Day is meant to mark an important and somber part of our American history.
Sometimes, people confuse Veterans Day with Memorial Day. Both holidays honor military service. Memorial Day used to be known as Decoration Day and it was first established as a day to honor Union veterans of the Civil War. The day was (and still is) marked by visits to cemeteries and placing flowers, flags or other adornments at the graves of veterans.
We should always be grateful for the men and women who signed up to put themselves in harm’s way in defense of our nation. We don’t always express our gratitude and sometimes, some of us may simply take our security for granted, but there is a price for our freedom and our veterans paid it.
Memorial Day is a day to remember and honor those who sacrificed in defense of the United States so we can (hopefully) experience the freedom to live free, enjoy our property, take trips and congregate with family and friends.
Some time during our enjoyment of the long weekend, it’s important for us to remember the men and women who served to preserve our freedom and way of life.
All gave some. Some gave all.
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