Closed Small Business Owners Suing the State
A group of small businesses is suing the state of Minnesota, claiming Governor Walz’s “shelter in place” and related executive orders are unconstitutional. The businesses say that just like their larger competitors, they should be allowed to stay open and operate within state and federal guidelines for mitigating the spread of Covid-19.
The governor is outside his legitimate powers by picking winners and losers in the economic morass brought about in reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic, so the plaintiffs are asserting their right to safely open their businesses.
For the state to suspend some, but not all economic activity for an arbitrary and indefinite period of time is unprecedented, and unconstitutional.
The heart of the case will be that the governor’s executive orders affecting small businesses are not narrowly tailored to achieve a specific justifiable purpose and that there is no rational basis or process to allow some businesses to operate while denying others.
[ Learn more: Mitch Berg Podcast 4/25/20 Redresssing Grievances ]
Free Minnesota is seeking additional plaintiffs to join the lawsuit. Reduced fees and legal aid is available.
If you’re a small business owner and your business has been unfairly closed while a “big-box” competitor has been allowed to continue, join the lawsuit to defend your livelihood and free enterprise in Minnesota.
Use the hotline form at Free Minnesota to join the lawsuit (hurry – we are filing soon).
OR: Help fund this lawsuit with a contribution to the First Liberties Defense Fund.
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